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I am both inspired & driven to write this piece because of the turbulence of our times.

If you've been in tune in any way with what has taken place, then you know that we've experienced a series of events from political turmoil, to economic strain, to rumors of war, to tumultuous storms, all within a matter of the 9 months we've seen in the year thus far.

So, this piece comes as a result of the emotions I've felt while witnessing the challenges we've faced as a people, specifically in this season.

Thus, I am moved to share with you, my beauties, how I found inspiration in all of this.

You see, if there were no darkness, there would be no need for light. And if there were no light, there would be no escape from darkness. When you understand the dynamics of these two very distinct elements, then you will see that light cancels out darkness, but darkness cannot shield light. Light is absolute. When light appears, darkness no longer exists.

John 1:5 says, "And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not."

So in essence, darkness cannot contain the glory of light because light is the greater force.

Think about it. Satan represents evil (darkness) and Jesus represents good (light).

This is why the church is referred to as the "light of the world; a city set on a hill that cannot be hid" in Mathew 5:14. The church is supposed to mirror the character of Jesus. So while we still remain here on earth, we represent the light that is Jesus, here on earth. We carry His glory...We are glory carriers here on earth.

The point I'm making is this...While praying and asking God what stance we are supposed to take during this perilous hour, He reminded me that this is the right moment for the church to shine. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee (Isaiah 60:1). These were the words that I heard ringing loud in my spirit as I sought the hand of God at such a time as this. And then I began to see that the answer that I was looking for had already been revealed within me.

God said to me, though the world is dark, the church is light! This is the finest hour for the church; a time where there is terror for the world, becomes glory for the church. It is the very reason for the church's be light in darkness.

So ladies & gents, therein lies my reason to live...the conduit through which I'll thrive...It is that I am LIGHT...And if you are His, so are you!

So be not afraid!...Only be thou confident! Be strong, Be courageous, Be sure that this is your time to SHINE and SHINE with all you've got!

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