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~Identity Theft~ pt.1


Have you ever experienced the disheartening news that someone has stolen your identity? Have you shared in the feelings of injustice or even anger at the shady dealings with the lives and finances of innocent consumers? It seems as though businesses, society, even churches take serious precautions to avoid such a crisis. Yet, it happens all the time in the lives of Gods children and we seem to sit passive in fighting f or justice.

As women, we are bombarded with the many opinions and worldly standards that society tries to place on us. We struggle to tap into the supernatural availability of God’s grace because we lack a revelation of who we are in Christ. The enemy has used television, feminist movements, trends, and such- to distract us from the biblical revelation of who we are and to STEAL OUR IDENTITY. We are haunted by word curses spoken over us and the mistakes and failures from our past. Our minds are held captive to failed relationships and the damage we experience from physical, mental and verbal abuse. Our identity has been shaped by our upbringing and the state of our surroundings. We struggle in motherhood, friendships, jobs, etc. because we don’t know who we are outside of our worldly representation.

There is a clarion call from the heavens for God’s daughters to FIGHT for justice and embrace their God given identity.

The moment you receive salvation God literally adopts you into His family and gives you a new identity. You are no longer defined by your past, sin, bank account, lack, job or any other role or worldly status. Your works on earth can not position you for or hinder you from the Fathers love and favor. The bible says that our righteous acts are like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Our identity is a result of Gods salvation and grace through the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So you see, there is nothing that this world offers that can define you! As women we must refuse our earthily view and develop an aerial view.

The moment that we apply Gods word, study the word to gain perspective and receive the tools to fight for our justice. That is when we will be empowered and receive Gods grace in every area of our lives. We can find contentment as a stay-at-home mom and deny the temptation to exhaust our bank accounts to keep with the trends. We can raise strong daughters who exhume an unshakeable identity because they watched us journey through life with a confidence that echoed the words written on the pages of the word of God. We can build a strong community of sisterhood because our confidence has suffocated the destruction of jealousy.

Women, its time for us to receive justice and reclaim our identity as daughters of the King!!


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